Sunday, 30 December 2007
"..The innate right of the Englishman to decorate the tree of his choice even on National Trust estates. " by Gordon Gorilla
"there" stammered Gordon, "There it is you see, the trespass into the public domain with no increase in subject and a move away from commodity value-I only bought those decorations today from Hooty's in Willenhall showing solidarity with the oppressed Chinese Christmas decoration workers in Shandong province...Now away with you beasts! Back to the library now all of you!"
Great big top shout interrogator critic Gorilla moves in for the kill.
"Tell me Gordon" breathes top shout interrogator critic Gorilla.......
"Given the innate hostility between Conceptualism and the so called 'neo Expressionism'...can you point to an example of your work which shows the radical break from the unsensual practices of the 70's and yet remains neither regressive nor obsolete?" Scenting victory the troupe drew closer all sneering, cackling and thumping Gordon's chest...but then, with the last of his strength, Gordon pointed shakily to a tree standing nearby on commoners ground.....
Looks like curtains for Gordon and his birds.
At first things go badly for Gordon, even his unfinished sketches show definite signs of gesturality and the glorification of the subject with a possibly fatal bent towards the centralisation of the artist...fortunately for Gordon he has not yet entered the commodity market so no proof exists that gordon has gained bananas or any other fruit for his labour, perhaps there's hope yet for the lad if he can show committment to any demythologising tendency whatsoever and evidence a turn away from the subject towards the viewer..
Wednesday, 26 December 2007
The Post Marxist Criticality Gorilla team arrives to save the day...
Kill the beast and slit its throat - by Gordon Gorilla
Poor Gordon 'Vincent' Gorilla carries on unaware of the rising groundswell of panic. Never much one for great thoughts and utterly preoccupied by the cacophony of his own inner life Gordon is frankly pleased with his work. 'I've been wanting to do this for years' he grunts to his neighbours..."I think its about early childhood conflict and the internal ceaseless struggle of chaos and form, what do you think?"
...The elders of the tribe note this selfish preocupation with mere surfaces with increasing intolerance-who does Gordon think he his to dare stand out in opposition to the huddled furry throng,does he think his colour based ravings carry any weight over the critical theory of bamboo production? ....Something must surely be done..who can help correct these recidivist tendencies? ...It must be a job for the super critic gorilla team
Painting for my shed by Gordon Gorilla.
Monday, 24 December 2007
Gordon undergoes inner transformations and other such things.
Gordon's epiphany arrives in the nick of time.
Monday, 17 December 2007
But then Gordons generosity becomes his downfall.
Gordon begins to shine golden- like the true gorilla he was created to be...he really likes the necklace too.
"So" continues Gordon warming to his topic and getting to the root of the issue with his gleaming vegetarian incisors.. " So when we gorilla's come to Art college and are faced with the institutions of creativity and the arbiters thereof it is important not to listen overmuch. For we come as the persons we are, uniquely, seperately yet together. Being of one basic flesh it is the case that we already understand one another and already communicate at a profound level-that is how we are made as gorillas and that is why we should not swallow too much nonsense- there's more to being a gorilla than that ...just go to and ask, michael tutor will explain it all to you."
Gordon Gorilla recieves the grace he so desires and a nice necklace to go with it.
Gordon the gorilla contemplates Mary and Jesus
" The meaning of a work of art was mapped along a number of cognitive axes, its affinities and differences with other images being just one of those-and not neccesarily the strongest. Art was a public, philosophical school; manipulative imagery serving superstitious belief and private gratification could be had from a thousand other sources." ..Thomas Crow unwritten histories of CConceptual Art (In Art after conceptual Art Alberro&Buchanan) "Hmmmm, " pondered Gordon the gorilla: "Personally I wonder about all this. I am not,as it happens, an undergraduate in this philosophical academy, I am a simple middle aged gorilla seeking to make sense of things as best he can-the ideologies of Art are just that and I did not write them nor pay dues to their masters."